Uni Grad Films

When in my final year at Arts University Bournemouth, I worked on 3 projects!

Directed By Katie Tuckwell.

Grandma’s Visit was the main film I worked on during my Final year at Uni. I was given the role as Lead Animator for this film and I loved every second of it.


Here are my best shots!




HUBRIS (2020)


2D Animator

Clean Up Artist


11th June 2020 – 20th August 2020


Here are some other shots I helped animate and clean up from different Grad Films. The first two shots are from SPELLBOUND, directed by Amelia Parker. I really enjoy working on this film as I faced challenges such as cleaning up in a coloured line which I had never done before. The bottom two shots are from HUBRIS. directed by Phoebe Francis-Aylward. This film was visually pleasing to work on and I got to work on a shot that I absolutely love. The monster (Hubris) was a big part of the film so to be given a shot to animate him, which was a huge honour. I hope to work with both directors in the future!